5 Things You Didn't Know About Living on Campus


Student accommodation often isn’t the first thing you think about when planning your uni studies. For some people, finding a place to live isn’t even on their radar, as living at home with parents and driving to uni is so common place in our lifestyle. 

Image of student writing on notebook outside University Hall

But what if you’re relocating from a regional area of WA, or moving to Perth from another state or overseas. Maybe you’re looking for a little more independence and wanting to move out of home. Or, it could be that your public transport commute is a trek, taking up heaps of your time on buses or trains (or both!). For students in these situations, finding the right place to live while studying is important. 

 Living on campus at a residential college is a great option when studying at UWA! University Hall is the only residential college owned and operated by UWA, and over 760 residents currently call us home. 

If you haven’t given living on campus much thought, you get much more than just a place to live. 

Here's 5 things you didn’t know about living on campus.


1: You're basically living next door to your mates.

Image of three students standing together as friends at an eventWhile you may move into UniHall not knowing anyone, you’re a neighbour to over 760 other students and making friends happens FAST. Soon, you’re hanging out in the Dining Hall, walking to class with a group, and calling those neighbouring students your friends. 

UniHall residents always say that this is one of the best things about living on campus. There’s always someone around to hang out with, and they’re only a few minutes’ walk away. 


2: You’ll make friends across the globe you’ll keep for a lifetime.
Image of two students posing with the Chinese national flag and the Kazakhstan national flag on international night

UniHall is a multicultural community, with students from over 54 different countries calling our residential college their home-away-from-home. Multiculturalism is celebrated in our community, and you’ll create friendships with people from across the globe.

Not only will you learn about other cultures and places, you’ll have a friend to visit when you travel internationally and continue cultural exchange together into the future. 



3: The UniHall community is like a ready-made study group.

Image of four students studying together at an outdoor table at UniHallWhen you’re living in a large community of students, you’re bound to find someone studying the same degree as you, and sometimes you find your neighbours are even in the same class as you! It’s easy to meet with someone in your class to study together, and you can connect with people who have completed your units in the past to get their advice and tips! If you’re looking for something a little more formal, UniHall has an academic program which facilitates an academic mentoring program that you can sign up to get support for particular subjects.

Even if you’re not pursuing the same degree as someone else, studying in a room of mates can be nicer than alone, so you might find yourself visiting the common study spaces across UniHall to hit the books. 


4: Living on campus is networking in action.

This one might come to fruition a little later in your life, but similar to making friends across the globe, you’ll also make friends in different careers and industries. If you’re looking for advice, or a professional introduction in your career, you might just know someone who can create that connection for you.

What’s more, UniHall’s professional development program helps students to secure work experience and internships, so you can start your career while at uni and get those professional networks happening before you even graduate.


5: You’ll never miss a parcel delivery again (and you may develop a fondness for online shopping). 

It’s not related to your academics but with the front office receiving your parcels daily, you may never miss a delivery again. So convenient! It’s a great plus for all the online shopping you may find yourself doing during study breaks and exam times. 


Sound good? You can check out UniHall life for yourself at this UWA Open Day on Sunday 30 March.

We’ll be open for tours and a FAQ session with staff and students!


Find out more about Open Day