University Hall Open Day

Sunday March 30


Come and visit us!

If you're planning to go to Explore UWA Day,  join us for a fun-filled, action-packed day at our circus-themed Open Day! Step into a world of excitement, laughter, and wonder created by our incredible circus performers.

Enjoy carnival food, music, and amusements as you tour our college.
See what life living on campus at UWA's own residential college is really like.



Take a Guided Tour of UniHall

Experience UniHall life in person on a self-guided tour of our campus. You'll see our rooms, study facilities and recreational spaces.

Tours will operate from 11 am - 2 pm and FREE tickets are available at the "Big Top" at UniHall.


Got a question about applying? We're here to help!

Send us an email with your questions, or message us on Facebook.

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