Choosing the right accommodation option while you study can be tricky, with different accommodation styles, price tags and lifestyles to consider. Plus, if you’re moving away from home for the first time and taking your first step into independent living, there’s new factors to consider (like cooking and cleaning) that you may not have had to manage before.
To help you in determining a criterion for what accommodation options suits you best, we’ve put together a list of 5 things to consider when choosing where to live when studying.
Food glorious food! This comes in on top of the list for many reasons. Firstly, maintaining a healthy diet and eating nutritious food is very important in helping you manage uni workloads. Having access to good food is important to consider because it will set you up for success in study! The second reason it’s top of the list, is because buying, preparing and cooking this nutritious food can be both time consuming, and costly.
Consider how much you enjoy cooking and how much time you have spare to prepare meals when choosing where you live. At residential colleges like University Hall, a number of catered meals are included in your rent each week, which can ease the financial load, and is super convenient for those who don’t enjoy cooking meals.
Continuing on from the cost of food is the overall cost of living independently. There’s lots of lifestyle, entertainment and daily costs to consider when living on a student budget, including:
What comes into your budget depends on what is important to your lifestyle – you might choose to save on rent by sharing a house with friends, or you may prefer to spend more on rent to have a private apartment where you don’t need to share facilities.
We’ve compared the cost of living at University Hall to that of living in a share house. Check out the results here!
Another consideration when choosing where to live is your friends. Having friendships and connections in your personal life can enhance your experiences as you study in Perth.
If you’re moving away from you friends and family to study in Perth at UWA and don’t know anyone else in Perth, living in a community like University Hall where you make friends quickly and easily might be important to you.
Maybe a group of your friends are also moving to Perth for study. Living in the same area, residential college or sharing a house with them are all options to explore.
Your transport options, and how you move to and from uni, work and other activities is another key factor when deciding where to live.
Consider how far your commute to uni is, and whether you’ll take public transport or drive to uni. Parking at uni requires a parking permit or involves daily parking fees. If you’re taking public transport, consider the fare cost and the total time spent on your route to uni. Your timetable could also play a role in your choices here, whether you have a full day of classes, or just a single short class on one day. Living in a residential college means your commute to class is just a few minutes’ walk.
If you have your own vehicle and need this for travelling to work etc. parking arrangements at your accommodation is another important consideration. Some accommodation options like share houses could have parking included, whereas parking at residential colleges might be limited and come with additional fees to rent. University Hall offers parking at an additional cost, with both secure underground or external options available.
This falls into a similar category to friends, but your personal support networks can be larger than your friends, especially when you choose to live on campus at a residential college. University Hall has a structured support system to help look out for the welfare for all students during their time living and studying at UWA. This includes:
Sound good? You can check out UniHall life for yourself at this UWA Open Day on Sunday 30 March.
We’ll be open for tours and a FAQ session with staff and students!