This is what a typical day looks like for Jason living at Unihall.
Jason is in his fourth year studying medicine and living at UniHall. Originally from Melbourne, he moved to Perth to continue his studies to become a doctor.
Day begins! It's time to get up and get ready for the day. I usually brush my teeth and start my day with some overnight oats for breakfast and caffeine!
Then I usually like to do some reading in the morning.
I am currently doing my surgery placement at Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital which means early starts! Thankfully living at UniHall means I can walk there!
We will start off with a busy ward round and then I'll talk to some patients.
Now we have some tutorials run by the university.
Coffee time! I would recommend Felix & Co near SCGH Hospital.
I am more productive in the library and will spend some time studying.
Prime time to get some exercise in! I'll go to UWA Sport to have a quick hit of tennis.
Dinner time at the dining hall!
I'll try to get some more study in!
Busy schedules means sometimes I catch up with friends for supper! Tonight we're going to The Moon in Northbridge.
Bedtime! I'll wind down by reading a book before going to sleep.